SAP Connection Discovery for Public Services – the next generation of software for Public Services
The Spin on SAP Connection Discovery for Public Services
The expectation towards a simple and intuitive tool in the area of Public Services are not always anticipated. With SAP Connection Discovery for Public Services we are setting the first milestone in this area. Its finally provides a bridge between the between business transactional data and report analysis tools. It could provide instant public safety improvement.
What is the power of this application?
It is simple and intuitive! This tool is enables you to explore relationships - networks in a new and exciting manner. This plug-and-play solution provides users with the ability to almost immediately sense and predict unfolding events. Also this application features seamless geo-data integration and data enrichment on top of a mapping layer. Its user-friendly, intuitive visualizations can be used in several public service use cases, ranging from emergency response to transportation management.
Why all this excitement?
This application is one of the first industry solutions built on
SAP Extended Application Services technology, a completely re-engineered application server for native development of applications in the SAP HANA environment that brings dramatic architectural improvements for
SAP Connection Discovery for Public Services provides a single comprehensive view of business data from multiple systems and data sources and includes an open platform where any type of data can be incorporated to discover and visualize patterns in connected networks.
Wait visualization of networks don’t I need highly trained business analyst for this?
No! It is application for any type of business user like an investigator, detective, city/government Official. Because it is able to provide intelligent insights by less than 3 steps: search, select and explore. SAP Connection Discovery for Public Services brings a disruption in the arena of how an investigation is done by adapting a flexible and intuitive approach. One of the revolutionary, path breaking user experience on the principles of simplicity.
Interested to find out more?
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