“I believe this is the future for workspaces. This is how knowledgeable people … come together and create meaningful collaboration.” – Hasso Plattner
Have you seen Hasso Plattner’s 2016 SAPPHIRE keynote, especially the final part? In case you haven’t you can watch it here. Over the last month I had the privilege to work with the amazing team behind Knowledge Workspace.
In a nutshell Knowledge Workspace helps organizations to deal with unforeseen incidents and complex problems requiring collaboration across departmental silos and organizational boundaries. It does so by bringing together the right information, the right people and the right tools to analyze and discuss the situation and to execute the decision.
After seeing the demo I immediately thought “Wow, this is so much bigger than supply chain incidents!”. And even 5 weeks into the project I keep discovering new use cases almost on a daily basis. Given my background I wanted to share with you my initial thoughts how Knowledge Workspace could transform Public Sector in three key areas:
Emergency & Disaster Management
Coordinating resources and bringing multiple stakeholders together is of paramount importance when trying to successfully solve large scale emergencies or disasters. In a situation where seconds truly can make a difference you want to make them count. An intuitive UI and flexible interactions allow for a tailored crisis response. Equally important they allow for quick and easy on-boarding of new personnel. Especially when employees are not working with a solution on a daily basis, ease of use becomes key. Supervisors can get a quick overview of the situation and which actions have been taken so far. Persisting of data makes after action reports and deduction of lessons learned straight forward.
Health & Human Services
Helping secure a high quality of life, protecting the most vulnerable citizens, and helping to ensure social justice requires multiple departments, agencies and NGOs working together. Moreover it requires tapping into and querying multiple data sources. Data will come in various shapes and form(at)s (transactional, analytical, structured, and unstructured). Normalizing and combining data from those data sources via flexible tools is key to identifying social hot spots and individuals in need of support. Finally each step along the decision making process is documented ensuring increased transparency.
Urban Planning
Today’s cities are becoming increasingly complex. This makes effective urban planning harder than ever. At the same time only a fraction of the data generated in today’s cities is utilized in the planning process. Powerful visualization capabilities, discussion and decision tools as well as data ingestion from multiple sources foster a more collaborative and informed planning process and make urban planning a truly inspiring experience. With all relevant elements being displayed on the canvas, necessary plan changes and iterations become easily manageable.
I hope you found this blog post interesting and I look forward to hearing your ideas where Knowledge Workspace could make a difference and transform the way organizations run.
- Paul
For information on the other amazing things SAP Innovation Center Network is working on go to: https://icn.sap.com/projects.html