2014 Apr 02 3:58 AM
Dear all,
Pls view this screenshot that show the TD shipment is not updated Delivery confirm date.
I have run program ROIGSM03 but no changes anythings.
Pls help me to find out this problem.
Thanks a lot,
2014 Apr 02 5:06 AM
Are you facing this problem with all the shipments or with this particular shipment only?
2014 Apr 02 5:13 AM
This problem just exists with particular shipment, not all.
2014 Apr 02 7:01 AM
This is a bit difficult to trace the root cause of the error. you may reverse the shiptment via tcode O4H2 and again do the delivery confirmation and check.
2014 Apr 02 7:11 AM
The shipment can not be reversed because this error. I know the program ROIGSM03 that can update the shipment. But it does not work as i want.
2014 Apr 02 8:40 AM
The mentioned program is used to clear the shipment stock or update any gain/loss. i dont think the program will help your cause. i tried to replicate your case in my system. even after manually deleting the dates at the begining, then also system is updating the dates properly. you may open an OSS message to SAP for the same. but i am not too optimistic that you will get a solution as they will be quite helpless if the scenario cannot be reproduced.
2014 Apr 02 8:59 AM
I ran that program 1 time before with the same problem and it was successful. I don't know why it does not work at this time
2014 Apr 07 3:30 PM
If you have any Program ( Custom Z Program ) using the Shipment Update BAPI then it will bypass this error and can update the OIGS table with the deliver dates.
you can also investigate this issue looking at the update terminations or system dumps.
2014 Apr 30 11:06 AM
if any terminate error is available , please let us know
that will help to know , the background process as becuase in the screenshot i can see that load end date has not been completed eventhough the date is appearing .
if any dump error screenshot , we can check technically .