2008 Aug 27 3:28 PM
We are in the process of implementing a new pricing IT system with SAP.To implement we need to choose between 2 systems: PROS/Vendavo.
We need to know did anybody has implemented any one of the systems.If possible we can have chat about it so that we know why did u chooose that system in relation to your industry.
Our Industry: OIL/GAS
Pricing Solution System: PROS/Vendavo
Present ISSUES: Manual work, lot of time, complex formulas
Question:Which system you chose? and why? and what is your industry you are working in?
What are the Pros and Cons of each system?
Thanks & Regards,
2008 Nov 12 1:55 PM
KSS is an endorsed business partner of SAP who specialise in wholesale/commercial and retail fuel pricing applications. They are integrated with ERP 6.0 Ehp3 and help with the following areas:
- automation of the pricing process, allowing analysts to work by-exception on pricing decisions that fall outside of current strategy
- auto price proposal based on pricing rules or as a result of price optimisation
- prediction of next day posted competitor rack prices, as the basis for own price setting
- pricing analytics and dashboards for monitoring of KPI's and alerts to performance issues
KSS have been around for 15 years servicing the needs of multi-national, national and independent oil & gas companies. Their website is www.kssg.com
2008 Aug 30 7:33 AM
Oil and gas solution provides add on core pricing ... most popular is formula and average pricing .... what are your requiments ? I can help !!
2008 Oct 06 5:29 PM
What is add on core pricing?My requirements are that lot of our pricing process in SAP is very manual and we want to automate it...so we are looking at other systems that we might integrate with SAP or make configuration changes in SAP or make custom solutions with SAP?
I am doing some research which one will best fit based on users experience in the market or anybody has a good idea?
Requirements SAP related:
1. need a report to notify what contracts are ending on specific date for fixed price
2. formulas i should be able to reference from a customer even if i do not add in the formula or group list?
3. should be able to do transaction ZDRC or ZFA0 in one step for different SHIP TOs for the same customer rather than doing that for each terminal
4. report telling me what contracts are starting from today so that i can change price procedure code in ZCUSTPROD in ZRFG(product set up)
Thanks & Regards,
Edited by: andrew dan on Oct 6, 2008 6:31 PM
2008 Sep 02 10:39 PM
Are you talking about rack Prices?
SAP has integration with KSS starting ERP 6.0 Enhancement pack 3
2008 Oct 06 5:30 PM
I am talking about both: Rack Prices and Formula Pricing.What is KSS?
My requirements are that lot of our pricing process in SAP is very manual and we want to automate it...so we are looking at other systems that we might integrate with SAP or make configuration changes in SAP or make custom solutions with SAP?
I am doing some research which one will best fit based on users experience in the market or anybody has a good idea?
Requirements SAP related:
1. need a report to notify what contracts are ending on specific date for fixed price
2. formulas i should be able to reference from a customer even if i do not add in the formula or group list?
3. should be able to do transaction ZDRC or ZFA0 in one step for different SHIP TOs for the same customer rather than doing that for each terminal
4. report telling me what contracts are starting from today so that i can change price procedure code in ZCUSTPROD in ZRFG(product set up)
If you have any solutions for the above problems/issues then please help me
Thanks & Regards,
2008 Nov 12 1:55 PM
KSS is an endorsed business partner of SAP who specialise in wholesale/commercial and retail fuel pricing applications. They are integrated with ERP 6.0 Ehp3 and help with the following areas:
- automation of the pricing process, allowing analysts to work by-exception on pricing decisions that fall outside of current strategy
- auto price proposal based on pricing rules or as a result of price optimisation
- prediction of next day posted competitor rack prices, as the basis for own price setting
- pricing analytics and dashboards for monitoring of KPI's and alerts to performance issues
KSS have been around for 15 years servicing the needs of multi-national, national and independent oil & gas companies. Their website is www.kssg.com