2015 Aug 11 2:18 PM
Hi Experts,
I am currently working on Rental Management as a functional consultant. My responsibility is to look after the entire functionality from all module/integration perspective from end to end process. Could you please guide/advice me on the possible business scenarios for end to end functional testing, any supporting documents on the same, what are the areas i should be focusing more or concentrate more, what should be my correct approach or strategy on the same?
Thanks and Regards
2015 Aug 12 8:45 AM
Hi Amicable,
Rental Management in IS Oil is related to scenarios where heavy equipment are hired on rent.
Hence the focus should be on
Kindly go through below document that I created to explain the Rental Management scenario in details.
Below SAP help explains the details very effectively:
Rentals - SAP Oil & Gas (RLM - Remote Logistics Management) - SAP Library
Reward if Helpful / Correct answer.
Akash Mhowwala
2015 Aug 12 8:45 AM
Hi Amicable,
Rental Management in IS Oil is related to scenarios where heavy equipment are hired on rent.
Hence the focus should be on
Kindly go through below document that I created to explain the Rental Management scenario in details.
Below SAP help explains the details very effectively:
Rentals - SAP Oil & Gas (RLM - Remote Logistics Management) - SAP Library
Reward if Helpful / Correct answer.
Akash Mhowwala
2015 Aug 12 9:20 AM
Hi Akash,
Thanx a lot for the reply. Could you please provide me any documentation on Rental. It would be really helpful for me to prepare and give presentation to my boss. Its really very important to me. You can remove the client's name, confidential data and send to me on my email ID: himanshu_tiwari22@yahoo.com.
Thanks and Regards,
2015 Aug 12 9:48 AM
Hi Amicable,
Presently I am not working on a Oil & Gas project, hence I dont have any other documents.
Kindly refer to the links posted in my earlier reply.
Once you have maintained the basic config, OBYC and created the master data, try to test the scenario Step-by-step as mentioned in the document that i have shared on SCN.
Please let me know if you face any issues/errors.
Akash Mhowwala