2009 Aug 05 4:47 AM
Dear all,
Please assist.
I encounter this error when trying to perform Delivery Confirmation (O4H1) and/or reverse Loading Confirmation (O4G1).
"Please confirm qty in load conf. correction for vehicle XXXXXX first"
The Loading Confirmation is correct and there were no error. Somehow I am unable to further process the Shipment.
Any positive feedback is appreciated.
Thank you.
Best rgds.
2009 Aug 05 6:36 AM
You need to cancell the shipment via IS-OIL transaction for deleting the shipments and clear the in-transit stock manually if exist.
2009 Aug 05 6:45 AM
Have already tried to cancel/reverse earlier, but not possible, and the same error will be encountered.
The last resort is to release the Shipment manually if all else fails..
2009 Aug 05 7:33 AM
Shipment will not be reversed from the usual transaction like O4H1/ O4G1. There is a special transaction with IS-OIL that will delete the shipment document. Check under the SAP Easy Access MenuLogisticsSales & Distribution or Logistics--IS-OIL Administration tools the t-code will be like S_ALR*
Edited by: SAMI UR REHMAN RAJPOOT on Aug 5, 2009 11:36 AM
2009 Aug 05 8:46 AM
Yes, the normal transactional method is to use O4G1 and O4H1 to reverse the Shipment.
As I have mentioned also, the method you mentioned (to release the shipment / delete shipment) would be the last resort if all else fails.. Yes, I am aware of the tcode S_SO6_65000798 to release and delete the Shipment, but intend to use that as last resort and explore if anyone else have encountered the similar problem in their Shipment.
S_ALR* would be for IMG activities tcode..
Thank you for the reply.
2009 Aug 05 10:05 AM
I have also faced similar sort of situation and the possible solution found was already mentioned in my earlier replies.
2009 Oct 30 9:51 AM
in shipment please check the quantity confirmation. there may be chances of missing the compartment planning in shipment.
2010 Jul 12 3:29 AM
Not resolved. The "stuck" shipment has to be deleted manually.