2008 Apr 21 2:30 PM
Does somebody has a clue on the field "Material Invoice Cycle- field" in the Invoice tab of the Purchase Order?
What are the functions, dependencies and the scenarion one can use this field.
2008 Aug 23 1:38 PM
2008 Aug 27 1:56 PM
Here in Is-oil we have invoice cyles. Provisional invoice, Final invoice, interested invoice, settlement invoice etc..
So in sales at first provisional invoice has been created than the final invoice based on the Provisional invoice.. and further invoices like interest invoice & settlement invoice ..
So here we are using 4 invoice cycle.. hence you have to define in the Spro-->industry solution -->oil & gas > cross component application>maintain the invoice cycle numbers... 4
And this data has to be used in Condition type
Spro--> industry solution -->oil & gas > cross component application> MM split invoice -->Enter the data in additional invoice .
These is the function of Material invoice cycle field...
Thanks and regards