2008 May 08 12:01 PM
Hi All,
I have a problem implementing QCI in my SAP ECC 6.0 having IS OIL. The SAP note 619060 details how this can be done.
The note provides the C source programs which can be compiled to build executables qci_srv executable, which will be used to register the QCI_SERVER RFC. This executable is required to be placed into the SAP kernel.
The C source programs also helps us create the astm.exe and agasap.exe executables.
May be the guidelines are pretty much clear, where i dont have a understanding is-
how to compile these programs,
what compiler to use,
do i need to have a programming background,
do i need to have the SAP RFC SDK kit?
I need answers on these, please help me with this, also any guidence is welocme.
2008 May 12 11:13 AM
You can go througnh the note 970603 for complete description and offerring on QCI.
This note 619057 in particularly has the commands which describes how to complile the files and how to use the executables.
The c codes given in the notes are only sample examples.
Hope this solves your issue.
2008 May 12 11:13 AM
You can go througnh the note 970603 for complete description and offerring on QCI.
This note 619057 in particularly has the commands which describes how to complile the files and how to use the executables.
The c codes given in the notes are only sample examples.
Hope this solves your issue.
2008 Nov 13 12:37 PM
Dear Rahul,
The astm.exe and qci server methods of calculation are limited to one standard which is planned to be changed this year (2008). The implementation of the rfc server solution is also critically dependent upon many hard and software factors, a change in any one of these can result in the necessity of a re-implementation. I would recommend that the company wishing to implement the qci server take a look at our offerings [www.quantityware.com] as we are currently the only SAP-Certified integration offering for complex gas, petroleum, chemicals calculations with IS-Oil&Gas.
We offer speed, security, accuracy and multiple standards coverage all rounded off with good support.
Best Regards,