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IS-OIL Differential Pricing creation problem

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear All,

I am working in IS-OIL pricing. The problem I am facing is related to creation of Final invoice (differential pricing), after creating provisitional invoice. Even when provisitional invoice has been created, while creating final invoice, I am getting this error Log that " Differential invoice control requires at least one provisional cycle". And when I am trying to recreate provisitional invoice, the error log is " The item has been fully invoiced already", which only proves that provisitional is indeed existing.

Can someone please guide me thru this as it is quite confusing that why I am getting this error log when provisional invoice is existing.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Vikram,

If provision invoice is already existing, then chk for the differential invoice amount. now the system accumulates the values of previous invoice documents at the condition type level and post the difference amount With an accounting document.

The error may be caused based on below possiblites,

.Possibility 1.

Check for the (Differential invoice) indicator. The (differential invoice control) Diff. inv. ctrl indicator controls whether a differential invoice is created with previous invoice document are complete.


check for the correct billing type as defined Diff invoice and also look for pricing procedure.

.Possibility 3.

Check the invoice cycles if any in document flow.

Best Regards


0 Kudos

Hi Satish,

I have a problem even after customizing you suggest to do. My differential invoice has value = 0 even if a differential amount exists in the secondary level analysis in pricing. Could you help me about it?

Thanks a lot,


0 Kudos

Hi Satish,

Thanks for your reply.

I looked into diff. inv indicator as well as diff.inv. contr. They have fields 2 and blank respectively which to my knowledge is right. Also since we have been creating differential invoice for several contracts/customer for some time, this issue has never occured before.

I looked into all three possibilities suggested by you but couldn't find the solution. Could you tell me what you meant when you said check for the differential invoice amount. How to verify this point when differential invoice is not getting created. Is there something I am missing in this point.

Thanks and regards


0 Kudos

hi vikram ,

What are the invoice cycle numbers (1 to 9 ) you are using for your pov. invoice ? can u send the screen shots of inv cyc for prov and diff inv ? are you wroking on ERP release ?



0 Kudos


The invoice cycle no. of provisional invoice is 123456789. I tried changing the per after day but still no sucess. The error log when trying to create final invoice is "Billing type OID2 contains cycls 123456789, uninvoiced cycles: &, nothing" & "Differential invoice control requires at least one provisional cycle".

I can see the invoice in doc flow which is provisional. I m working on 4.0B.

0 Kudos

Hi Vikram.

The diffential inv amount is basically the difference in the between Final invoice value minus the Provisional value.what ever the value that ie accoumalated are then subtracted from the pricing data, which is determined in the differential invoice.

Check the condt type used with calculation type "Q" in cond type in pricing if you ahve Formula assigned to it.

Ex : if ur Prov inv Amt is 100 with tax of 30 ie 130 and if the final inv is 110 , plus tax 33 = 143

Then differential amount. ie 143-130 = 13 , only this difference is posted.

Best Regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello ,

Please check the following :

1.) VF03 -> Provisional invoice -> Is the F&A condition type with status 'Provisional' ?

2.) SE16 -> VBUP -> For the delivery, is OIINVCST9 having value P ?

3.) SE16 -> VKDFS -> Is there an entry here with field FKART having value as

differential invoice type ?

Regards ,

Jerin Ipe John .

0 Kudos

Dear John,

Thanks for your reply, It really helped. When I checked both tables, I found VBUP_OIINVCST9=C (completely invoiced) and VKDFS_FKART= Differential Invoice billing type against my delivery, but then why is it not getting displayed in document flow because the last invoice created still has Formula eval.status = 2 (Provisional value determined).

Is creating credit memo/debit memo after creating provisional invoice has anything to do with this error.

Once again thanks alot for your reply, it really helped. I would be greatful if you can answer my one last doubt on this.



Edited by: Vikram Saigal on Jan 26, 2009 12:43 PM

0 Kudos

Hi John,

Thank you for your precious support.

I have the same problem of Vikram: VBUP_OIINVCST9=C (completely invoiced) and VKDFS_FKART=XXXX "Not differential invoice".

Do you know where is the issue? Maybe on Copy Control management?

Thank you again.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Vikram ,

It looks to me that VBUP-OIINVCST9 should be P instead of C in this case

since F&A condition type is assigned to Cycle 9 and it is in status 'Provisional'.

You could use report ROIDELSTA to rectify this.

Regards ,

Jerin Ipe John .

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Andrea ,

Check the Order type customizing for the field 'Billing type prop DI'.

Regards ,

Jerin Ipe John .

0 Kudos

Hi John,

It seems every time I am creating Provisional invoice, status in VBUP table has C for all the cycles. The report which U mentioned, I am not able to see this report. Do I need a particular Tcode/program to see this report. Can you please tell me why even when I m using provisional invoice, status is C for all the cycles and hence unable to create differential invoice.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Vikram ,

Can you specify your Support Package level for IS-OIL ?

Regards ,

Jerin Ipe John .

0 Kudos

Hi John,

Support package which the client is using is 4.0B 38. Whenever I am trying to create Differential invoice in Quality environment which is copy of production, I am getting these mesgs

" Ind. for differential invoice requires final eval. of all invoice cyles"

and sometimes

"Billing type OID2 contains cycls 123456789, uninvoiced cycles: &, nothing

Differential invoice control requires at least one provisional cycle"

Somehow it is working in production. So clearly, I am not missing a point here.

Can you please help me out in this.

Thank and regards


Edited by: Vikram Saigal on Feb 10, 2009 11:27 AM

0 Kudos


I have this problem coming to me everynow and then where one particular delivery can't create differential Invoice. It is working fine for other cases, so configuration wise things are pretty much OK. What I found about this particular delivery is, in table VBUP, all the cycle has C in it and in table

VKDFS, billing date FKDAT = 00.00.0000, whereas it should give me the date on which Differential invoice is to be created I suppose. Can u please guide in under what circumstance this could happen. Is it because of business did something which trigerred this.

I am using 4.OB version here with support package 38.

We tried debugging this as well but it seems one internal table XVBRP has no entry (ZF2 invoice) for this delivery.

Thanks in advance

Former Member
0 Kudos

It was std. SAP problem with 4.Ob version. Found an OSS note related to this issue. Whenever there is no entry in table VKDFS for the delivery or entry contains erroneous data, Differential inv. can't be created,

Thanks and Regards
