2012 Jul 01 4:23 PM
We do not want to invoice if the formula pricing is not set to final.
Is there we can stop creation of the sales invoice if the formula pricing is not final?
Similar on purchasing is there way we can stop invoice verification of the PO if the formual pricing on the PO is not final.
2012 Jul 03 2:39 AM
2012 Jul 03 2:39 AM
HI Srini,
Did you try keeping the Provisional rules blank?
2012 Jul 03 8:21 AM
We cannot keep provisional blank. Its a month average pricing. We use provisonal pricing for when the Sales Orders is created.
We will invoice based on final pricing end of month. Currently, even if pricing is not final, the system creates the billing document.
2012 Jul 05 6:23 PM
Check the formula evaluation status during creation of billing /invoice, if it is not final ,exit do not create the billing /invoice .
2012 Jul 05 11:51 PM
Two options.
A. Include the evaluation status (OICF4-FORSTATUS) in the incompletion procedure as suggested by Vijayan.
B. Maintain a copy of the formula with only Final pricing. Determine a new pricing procedure for the billing document where the new formula is evaluated.
2012 Aug 15 5:41 AM
You have 2 options.
In the final rules under no quotation handling, select the routine error. This will stop going forward as long as you do not have the required quotations available.
Other solution is to create a routine in A vs B term which looks for evalutation status and accordingly can block if the status is not final. I am sure this works.
Good luck