2010 Feb 02 6:45 PM
I've a query related to executing GJ90 in JVA for transfering Exchange Difference amount to P&L Account.
What should is the best way to configure execution of GJ90. According to our research, we have to:
1) Set RXD Account (Balance Sheet Account) to "CP" Recovery Indicator
2) Set the same account in GJBA, to get posted in both ventures, if configured
3) Assign Substitute Cost Object in GJVV
4) Set RXD(month end) (P&L Account) to Recovery Indicator "BI"
5) Set Cost Object to account, used in step 4, in OKB1
6) Execute GJ90.
Is it the right way to configure, or we're missing somthing.
2010 Feb 03 5:10 PM