2009 Dec 14 11:14 AM
We have 4 company code involved in exploration and distribution of oil and gas.
company code-1 - does the drilling and exploration
company code-2 - does pipeline transportation
company code-3 - does refining
company code-4 - does the marketing
but the requirement is that crude oil valuation is done only in company code-1, but physically crude oil is moved in all companies.
request to suggest if there is any standard function in IS Oil and Gas, which we can use to map the same.
2009 Dec 15 5:14 PM
It has more to do with the 'Material Master' modelling for Crude.
Keeping different accounting profiles for different plants would be one way out.
In oil&Gas, there is no standard fucntion that I can think of.
2009 Dec 15 5:14 PM
It has more to do with the 'Material Master' modelling for Crude.
Keeping different accounting profiles for different plants would be one way out.
In oil&Gas, there is no standard fucntion that I can think of.
2009 Dec 16 11:11 AM
You may move the crude across the company codes as non valuated material, using valuation types, for those company codes where you dont need any valuation. Hope it helps.
2011 Jul 29 5:41 PM
Sorry, no answer.
Which transaction and movement type do you use to create the crude inventory?
Which transactions are used to reduce the asset?