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Change Excise Duty Group on the Material Master

0 Kudos

What are the steps to change the excise duty group in the Material Master (MARC- OITAXGRP)? I am getting a message 'Excise duty tax group cannot be changed due to posted stock'.

We realised some of materials have been setup with incorrect excise duty group at a few plants and there have been a lot material movements posted (101s, 301s). But is the best way to fix this?

Do we have to reverse all the documents or is it good if we zero the inventory and then it will allow us to change?

Is a direct table update of the table an option?

Please advice.

Thanks in advance



Former Member
0 Kudos

you can't change the excise duty group if there is a stock for the material.

there is a steps that you need to follow if you inisist to change:

- zerorize the stock in the current period (all stock types)

- zerorise the stock in previous period (all stock types)

- then only you can change the excise duty group.

these steps can only be carried out when the two posting period are still open, so normally you should do it at month end.

View solution in original post


Former Member
0 Kudos

you can't change the excise duty group if there is a stock for the material.

there is a steps that you need to follow if you inisist to change:

- zerorize the stock in the current period (all stock types)

- zerorise the stock in previous period (all stock types)

- then only you can change the excise duty group.

these steps can only be carried out when the two posting period are still open, so normally you should do it at month end.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Where are you inputting the excise duty group in the material master, you only give Chapter ID in the control data of foreign trade import screen.

Excise group is linked to plant. For a combination of plant and chapter ID you give the excise group. The chapter ID is linked to material master.

Change in excise group is not possible at material master level.