2014 May 22 4:34 PM
What report can be used to obtain the following for Accounts Receivable (all in one report would be preferred):
AR Aging
Material Code
Price of material
For example, AR has $1M due from a customer (its current/within 30 days)
What material(s) does that cover? It covers x,y,z materials
At what price per material? x price is $90.81 per bbl, y price is $100.79 per bbl and z price is $65.84 per bbl
What is the volume of each? x volume is 5,000 bbls, y volume is 3,000 bbls and z volume is 3,700
We need to be able to run a report that includes all the above data.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
2014 May 23 4:02 PM
Please check report under Financial-> Financial report->Accounting->Aging- > Choose customer aging receivables.
Also here is a list of other usual reports available:
Accounting - Financial Accounting - Customers - Information System - Reports for Accounts Receivable Accounting
Customer Balances
S_ALR_87012167 - Accounts Receivable Information System
S_ALR_87012172 - Customer Balances in Local Currency
S_ALR_87012186 - Customer Sales
S_ALR_87012169 - Transaction Figures: Account Balance
S_ALR_87012170 - Transaction Figures: Special Sales
S_ALR_87012171 - Transaction Figures: Sales
Customers: Items
S_ALR_87012168 - Due Date Analysis for Open Items
S_ALR_87012197 - List of Customer Line Items
S_ALR_87012173 - List of Customer Open Items for Printing
S_ALR_87012174 - List of Customer Open Items
S_ALR_87012175 - Open Items - Customer Due Date Forecast
S_ALR_87012176 - Customer Evaluation with OI Sorted List
S_ALR_87012177 - Customer Payment History
S_ALR_87012178 - Customer Open Item Analysis by Balance of Overdue Items
S_ALR_87012198 - List of Cleared Customer Items for Printing
S_ALR_87012199 - List Of Down Payments Open On Key Date - Customers
Master Data
S_ALR_87012179 - Customer List
S_ALR_87012180 - Address List
S_ALR_87012182 - Display Changes to Customers
S_ALR_87012183 - Display/Confirm Critical Customer Changes
S_ALR_87012195 - Customer Master Data Comparison
2014 May 23 4:02 PM
Please check report under Financial-> Financial report->Accounting->Aging- > Choose customer aging receivables.
Also here is a list of other usual reports available:
Accounting - Financial Accounting - Customers - Information System - Reports for Accounts Receivable Accounting
Customer Balances
S_ALR_87012167 - Accounts Receivable Information System
S_ALR_87012172 - Customer Balances in Local Currency
S_ALR_87012186 - Customer Sales
S_ALR_87012169 - Transaction Figures: Account Balance
S_ALR_87012170 - Transaction Figures: Special Sales
S_ALR_87012171 - Transaction Figures: Sales
Customers: Items
S_ALR_87012168 - Due Date Analysis for Open Items
S_ALR_87012197 - List of Customer Line Items
S_ALR_87012173 - List of Customer Open Items for Printing
S_ALR_87012174 - List of Customer Open Items
S_ALR_87012175 - Open Items - Customer Due Date Forecast
S_ALR_87012176 - Customer Evaluation with OI Sorted List
S_ALR_87012177 - Customer Payment History
S_ALR_87012178 - Customer Open Item Analysis by Balance of Overdue Items
S_ALR_87012198 - List of Cleared Customer Items for Printing
S_ALR_87012199 - List Of Down Payments Open On Key Date - Customers
Master Data
S_ALR_87012179 - Customer List
S_ALR_87012180 - Address List
S_ALR_87012182 - Display Changes to Customers
S_ALR_87012183 - Display/Confirm Critical Customer Changes
S_ALR_87012195 - Customer Master Data Comparison
2014 May 23 5:02 PM
Thank you for the reply.
While i was able to find the Aging report it did not contain volume/price/material code in the same report. Additionally, the above reports provided did not contain this data. Is there a different report that i can run?
2014 May 26 8:10 AM
I doubt there exists any more reports. You may copy the standard report program and add the logic of mat code/ volume/price to create a customized report for your requirement.