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The key features of the SAP PSA module are:

  • Automated cost recovery (full integration with JVA)
  • Production allocation to (government) royalties and (contractor) costs
  • Flexible entitlement calculations for all parties (government, contractor, venture partners)
  • Production revenue pricing methodology
  • Lifting and storage entitlement management
  • Transfers & swaps handling
  • Modelling planning scenarios (CO planning integration)
  • Internal and external reporting, tracking capabilities

The process cycle is the following:

  1. Cost Rollup (eg. from JVA to PSA)
  2. Production volumes and pricing update
  3. Adjustments
  4. Actual Entitlement Calculation
  5. Reporting

To be continued...

0 Kudos

Hi Gilles,

Good job !

Thank you very much for sharing your knowledges about it.

Does it really work in SAP ?

0 Kudos
An introduction to the SAP PSA module (Production Sharing Accounting) – Part 3 (to be continued…).

Gone through part to part 3 of SAP PSA (Production sharing accounting) articles. It is very educational and informative. However I could not find any article after Part 3(to be continued...). It will be great if link can be provided.

In addition to above, kindly let us know whether SAP PSA is suitable for non-operated company also. or You can provide more information on PSA management for non-operated company.

Looking forward for response.
