The Metal and Mining Forum was an amazing event! Heavyweights of the Metal and Mining industry sent delegates to the forum and made Mannheim the place to be in that week.
Of course it is always hard to describe an event, trying to share the spirit and feeling of a meeting, concert, performance, exhibition or trade fair. So what can I say to give you some insights on the event? Should I talk about the food (that was yummy) or the content of presentations (that was varied)? Well - food is only a real pleasure when you can taste it yourself and the content of the presentations you will find easier to consume when you go to the web page of the event (
Let me try the following - I will just share my personal impressions with you.
First of all, I really enjoyed the mixture of presentations, exhibition hall and informal exchange. You could absorb information, exchange ideas and get insights into the lasted offerings of SAP and SAP partners for the Metal and Mining industry easily in the 2 days.
It had a good number of participants so that discussions in the exhibition hall and among participants took place in a very friendly and casual atmosphere.
Maybe the venue was even a little to large - but in the end - I rather go for a bigger space than for a crowded feeling.
They event was absolutely professional and had everything you need without being overexited or hectic. Participants praised the atmosphere as beneficial for networking and relationship building.
Usually - after I attended an event - I always ask myself 3 questions:
- If I was to change one thing, what would that be?
- If I was asked to change everything, but keep one thing - what would that be?
- Would I recommend a good friend/colleague to participate in the event?
Regarding the first question: What would I like to change? Well - I know that some people will not like me for that - as a German from the region of Mannheim, I would not got to Mannheim again but to a more exotic location.
Regarding the second question: What should be kept? For me - absolutely the great mixture between input from SAP, SAP partners and customers is the highlight of the event and I would love to see that again in the future.
And the 3rd question: Would I recommend to a friend to go there? Yes, certainly I would!