2008 Jul 07 7:11 AM
2008 Jul 15 12:57 PM
The Credit card eligibility will be maintained in the Payment transactions tab in the BP transaction.
There we have to select, if the BP wants to pay through Check,he has to enter the bank details and maintain the Bank related data.
If the BP wants to pay through Payment cards,He has to maintain the card details,Its validity period etc.
2008 Jul 15 1:10 PM
1. While creating Business Partner we can maintain Payment Card(Credit Card) details in Payment Transactions Tab Page (General Data)
2. To see the details about Payment Card for Business Partner, you have to use the table name: VCKUN.
Reward if it is useful
Best Regards,
2008 Jul 15 1:25 PM
Thanks for the help.. I figured out how to set the BP credit card ineligible...
Regards - Venkat