2012 Jul 24 7:17 PM
I found many old itens from media orders opened (more than 50.000) in JHAGA table. The sales process was stoped by credit administration. These itens will not be billed and must be canceled because they are consuming our credit limit to this credit account.
I know the media orders with problems. I want to run a program and clean up the entrys.
Is there any standard program to clean this?
Thanks a lot!
2012 Aug 28 12:48 PM
Hi GLippmann,
To cancel the BIlling datasets for the mass Orders you need to develop a Custom Program. To my knowledge there is no standard program available.
2012 Aug 28 12:48 PM
Hi GLippmann,
To cancel the BIlling datasets for the mass Orders you need to develop a Custom Program. To my knowledge there is no standard program available.