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This is a collection of real world experience on why and how communities of practice work. Hope it benefits you as you go about setting something similar.

Depth of content

Publish EVERYTHING!!! Except the most ultra-sensitive material, I mean the stuff that could potentially take down your organization

Breadth of content

More and more and more of the above. Make everything available in a single information portal be it the creators, sellers and anyone else involved in the extended ecosystem that can have a positive impact on the destiny of the effort.

Speed of response

Be RESPONSIVE. Set KPI’s to get to questions asked within a specific timeframe and see to it that the KPI is met. Remember somebody is making an effort to ask the question and hence deserves a timely answer. You are both beholden to the quality of service provided by asking the right question and providing the right answer.


Leads to higher engagement instead of just information broadcast based interaction. It brings the human element into the mix. Pick a solution platform that allows for this when creating the community of practice.


People like collecting badges and status and related schwag for a hard day’s work done so see to it that the platform has something to offer in terms of a convenient representation for degree of participation. People like the sugar rush, it is inherent in our psyches I guess to seek reward for honest hard work,

Mixed media resources

Don’t make it just about the written word, sounds and visuals go a long way in increasing the value of the information and entertainment provided. It again brings the human element to the fore.

Ease of access

Try not to make it a cirque-du-soleil body twisting exercise in trying to get access to the information offered. This turns off more people than you would believe. If it is a safe environment, then make information absolutely free.

Ease of use

Following on from the above, you want for it to be easy to use for the end information consumer. Extension onto mobile devices for the content offered is a big win-win for both the content provider and the content consumer. Think of offering information and content as providing a Netflix like consumption experience to the information consumer.

Last but not the least I have to obviously plug some SAP software that can help you achieve this goal and it happens to be Jam, the SAP SuccessFactors software offering that allows you to do all this at a drop of a hat.

Talk to us to find out more.

ENJOY!!! building your social community of practice.