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Challenges in SAP Implementation - Big Data Hurdles and How to Overcome Them?

Former Member
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Dear All,


I am very new to this medium and I want to learn and develop such prospects in SAP to Life Sciences.

I extend my warm wishes to all,

Thank you,

Aravindh Selvaraj 


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Dear Mr Selvaraj,

not exactly sure whether this was a question or just a comment to test the SCN tool...

Happy to see that you are interested in Life Sciences topics and indeed, the Life Sciences industry is undergoing a big change in their processes to move towards digitization and to leverage Big Data in a multitude of ways: In sales, in manufacturing and of course in R&D. In R&D this can again mean many different things to different people: Consolidating previously siloed data for better medical insights, analyzing unstructured information from medical publications and social media, engaging in mobile Health, collecting real-world evidence for outcome-based pricing and of course the whole topic around precision medicine that involves genomic and proteomic information.

You may also be interested in some blogs, or the partner knowledge transfer session around SAP's Connected Health Platform, see links above.

Best regards
