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Using Module Plan API to bridge degree audit, advising and course booking

Former Member
0 Kudos

Although we are actively using degree audit and booking as a self server. We are yet to implement module plan. One of the reasons was because of the web dyn pro interfaces for self service and we would rather build our own that integrate better with our portal.

However we are now strongly considering it to bridge degree audit, advising and course bookings so that advisors can use degree audit to build a module plan for the students and students would then add suitable sections of the courses suggested by the advisor to their "shopping cart" and eventually register for the courses.

We were wondering if anybody had gone this road and used the underlying API to create retrieve and change module plan. Any input on this on would be highly appreciated.



Former Member
0 Kudos


  I explored it once for a different requirement.  It is little complex data model. I will suggest to explore the FM 'HRIQ_COHORTS_SEARCHBYSTUDENT' and class 'CL_HRPIQES_COHORT_FORM_FEEDER'.


Prabhat Singh

0 Kudos


Thank you, we are getting it activated in our sandbox and will check it these out and share what we experience.