2013 Jun 26 11:05 PM
Hello all,
I'm trying to insert more than a thousand qualifications (CQs) to students. I've tried using ECATT and batch inputs, in both cases starting with Txs PIQST00 and PIQST10. I came accross an old problem with some SLcM screens where there are buttons or fields that will fail to be accessible when we run the resulting ecatt or report.
My second option was finding a BAPI for this. Found nothing searching for HRIQ*QUAL*, but got to BAPI_QUALIPROF_CHANGE which allows qualification creating, deleting and changing, but it doesn't seem to be meant for SLcM, but for HR.
My third option was trying to insert the ST-CQ relationship using Tx PP01, but got to a dead end. You can view ST-CQ 532 relationships, but not create them from here. After some tracing I found out why: tables afectted with inserts are HRP1001, HRPAD532 and PIQDBAGR_ASSINGM.
Anyone has come across this before?
2013 Jun 27 1:43 PM
You can use this "HRIQ_CONFERQRFC_CREATEFROMDATA" to load qualification data for students.
Best Regards,
Prabhat Singh
2013 Jun 27 1:43 PM
You can use this "HRIQ_CONFERQRFC_CREATEFROMDATA" to load qualification data for students.
Best Regards,
Prabhat Singh
2013 Jun 27 8:42 PM
Hello Prabhat,
tks for your answer. For some reason I couldn't make it work, but thanks to it, I re-searched and got to a 2008 forum discusion refering to fm HRIQ_CONFERQ_CREATE which worked fine.
Never thought of searching for HRIQ*CONFER* for qualification matters
2013 Jun 27 8:47 PM
It is internal qualification. University is awarding(conferring) the degree. That is the it named like that. It should work But keep in mind it will not create assessment/graduation request.
Best Regards,
Prabhat Singh
2013 Jun 27 8:51 PM
We're not needing a assessment/graduation request in this occasion, so HRIQ_CONFERQ_CREATE is good enough, did I get you right?
2013 Jun 27 8:55 PM