2007 Nov 15 11:19 AM
Thank you, Michael Fan for a very helpful Document :
<b>Base IMG Configuration Settings for Pre-Configured SAP Student Lifecycle Management
(ERP 6 - EHP 3)
31 October 2007</b>
Could you pls. check, if it is an error or its my misunderstanding :
In step 3.10 --- On Page no.16, Pls. change the Number Range CM from Ext to internal (Remove X)
<i>As this document will be reffered by many others like me...</i>
Thanks and regards,
Devendra Sharda
2007 Nov 15 2:13 PM
Yes, I will correct that. I actually just discovered that mistake myself yesterday! (newly added: the 'mistake' was in an older system!)
Added content:
Actually, upon re-test, this setting should correctly be an external (marked 'X') when you have activated the BAdi PSCM_PARTNER, which is described in section 3.16. With older versions of the software, then indeed the number range for the BP should be 'internal'. Your behavior will differ depending on your release level.
Message was edited by:
Michael Fan