2009 Apr 14 8:14 PM
We are working on our spring service packs where we are installing EHP4. The new screen for Edit Event Offerings does not show the existing events with the correct times.
I can't find if there is a conversion program provided by SAP to convert existing data to the new infotypes.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
2009 Apr 24 1:08 PM
Hi Michael,
The new screen for Edit Event Offerings does not show the existing events with the correct times ??
Is it showing a wrong date , time ?? i think its just a change of screen .... but functionalities is the same .
Just be in detail what is the existing problem with ur new offering ...
2009 May 01 6:24 PM
What I'm referring to for example...I look at our ENG 101 courses in the new Edit Event Offering. All the ones that were already created for next fall...show up as Irregular Schedules on the first screen. Fields such as Rel. Start, Rel. end, Start Time, End Time, Days of the week, SE Start, SE End etc...all show up without data (zeroes)
We would not create these as irregular schedules from scratch so I'm not sure why they come in that way. And if we edit or display the event...we can see the days of the week they are on...but not in the checkbox format like you would see when you create it.