2008 May 23 1:10 PM
Hi. Can anybody help me with this problem:
I am trying to generate an invoice from the system just using the t-code- FKKINV_s
then there is a message that is
"No invoicing orders exist for contract account 1004400/business partner 500000408
Message no. FKKINV115"
For the contract account/business partner, and, if applicable, other selection criteria specified, no invoicing orders were selected that could be processed in invoicing process IN.
Can anyone explain the reason for (and possible solution) to the above?
Thanks in advance. Points will be awarded.
2008 May 23 1:47 PM
I am not really sure how that transaction is supposed to work. It seems to require some more advanced configuration around 'invoice processes'. I always use transaction FMCAM2 to generate invoices for students.
2008 May 26 11:29 AM
Hi Michael
Thanks for your replies, But in the process of this t code FMCM2
error is comming ... The errors are
Step 001 started (program RFKK_MASS_ACT_SINGLE_JOB, variant &0000000000094, user ID PKUMAR)
Message no. 00550
The system outputs this message at the start of every job step and is therefore usually located in a job log.
This message means that step 001 is currently being started. The additional parameters give further details on the step itself:
- the ABAp program executed in this step (here RFKK_MASS_ACT_SINGLE_JOB)
- the corresponding parameter (here &0000000000094)
If this field is empty, then program RFKK_MASS_ACT_SINGLE_JOB does not need any parameters.
- the name of the user with whose authorization program RFKK_MASS_ACT_SINGLE_JOB is executed
I could`t able to generate the invoice with any format.
Edited by: Prakash Kumar on May 26, 2008 12:39 PM
2008 Jun 03 8:57 PM
Check the contract account balance and if the contract account is supposed to create an invoice, then from FMCAM2 menu Environment-->Invoicing history you should be able to see the created invoices for that particular run. You won't find the invoice numbers in the job log.
2008 Jun 04 11:05 AM
Could you please update the process steps to generate the invoice. Still no any invoice is generating. The current error is
check customization of application FI-CA-MASS to see if tab layout NOFO is defind.
2008 Jun 04 3:32 PM
Can you send me the screenshot of your FMCAM2 transaction and also values from different tabs from Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable>Technical Settings>Prepare Mass Activities-> for activity type P004-->General control.
2008 Jun 09 12:22 PM
That really very good check point..but could`t able to attach the sceenshot , so in this respect could you pls forward me your mail address on which i can forward you the screen shot.
2008 Jun 26 5:24 AM
I am not sure whether I can share my personal mail id in this forum. It is naidu_kmd@hotmail,com.