2007 Jul 16 8:59 AM
In IS-HER (Campus Management),is there a standard program to calculate the GPA and CGPA (in grading )?
2007 Jul 16 11:37 PM
GPA and CGPA are dynamically calculated at various Calculation Points in SAP Student Lifecycle Management. It is not really done in grading of an individual course. The Academic Work History in the Student File is one common calculation point where you can view many Performance Indices for a system. Just make sure you have done the right configuration (in the IMG) to assign the performance indices youwish to that particular Calculation Point. If you have done so, then as soon as you enter a completed grade for a student, you will see in the Academic Work History how that grade has affected the student's GPA.
2007 Jul 17 8:46 AM
Thanks Michael.
In this case,we have to enter the grades of students individually.Is there a functionality where we can <b>upload</b> the grades for:
a) a group of students for the same module (eg. Michael,Tina, Ramesh and 400 other students for Economics)
b) one student for different modules he has completed (eg. Michael for Econoimics,Finance and Marketing modules)
2007 Jul 17 7:00 PM
Hi Ramesh,
You have different options depending exactly on what you want to do:
- Using transaction PIQSMFU you can enter individual grades for several students on a specific module/acedamic year/acasemic session combination.
- Using transaction PIQST10 you can enter individually the academic history for a specific student and different modules.
- If instead you are thinking about migrating from a legacy system or interfacing with a third party (i.e. e-learning), you may want to do a mass upload of grades for different modules and then you should use the standard RFC (Remote Function Call) delivered by SAP:
for doing a direct input within a customer program.