2015 Feb 16 9:57 AM
Dear Consultants,
I am new for SAP SLCM, I have done all the configurations related to IMG and Program catalog. when I am trying to Create a student it gives an error like this.
"Inconsistencies during assignment of student number"
I have maintained all the settings related to employee number range assignments for students (as per BC sets standards). here it shows the only way is to maintain the number ranges,
Do I need to default the number ranges here like "SAP HCM" Organization management ??
where I can do it in SLCM.
Kindly do needful.
Thanks & Regards,
2015 Feb 16 10:48 AM
Dear Experts,
Kindly do needful, waiting for your suggestions.
Thanks & Regards,
2015 Feb 17 6:07 AM
Dear Experts,
Kindly do needful, waiting for your suggestions.
Thanks & Regards,
2015 Feb 17 2:36 PM
Hi Naresh, seems like you need to check you number ranges. I imagine the link on the message to showed on the attachment should take you to the SPRO menu option I'm showing in the image below (or directly goto transaction OONR).
2015 Feb 18 4:44 AM
Dear Michael,
Thanks for reply, I have maintained below settings in Number ranges,
I have a small doubt here, How I can assign this number ranges to specific Org Unit ?? (University)
kindly do needful.
2015 Feb 18 10:13 AM
Hi Naresh,
org unit object is O. The three following images show you how we have it configured so you can compare/check:
Keep us updated if you are able to solve the problem.
2015 Feb 18 11:19 AM
Dear Michael,
Thanks for quick reply, in our server it is maintained as shown below , I am not able to maintain as $$O,
and also find the details of 01O is
I am not able to maintain $$O or $$ST, error says there is no valid subgroup available. kindly do needful.
Thanks & Regards,
2015 Feb 18 11:35 AM
You should have a [New entries] button right on top of the Subgroup column to create new ranges
2015 Feb 23 5:26 AM
Dear michael,
When I am going for new entry system is giving the error as
It says am not eligible to maintain like $$.
Kindly do needful.
2015 Feb 23 11:02 AM
Hello Naresh,
I'm not sure how to handle this error. From the images we are exchanging, I can see that for the 3 objects you already have customized, you used "01" as subgroup instead of "$$" as we have. You could try with "01", but I can't foretell the outcome, sorry.