2010 Apr 15 3:32 AM
Hi all
In my system, the Status Tab in Student Tab not updating automatically.
When I create a Student, and Create Admission application and create admission, Every time status should be updated automatically. In one system it is updating Correctly, But in Other system it is not updating.
I see that there is the same question raised before. But with no effective solution.
So I raise it again.
How can I solve it?
Please do the Helpful.
Thanks and Regards
Edited by: xavier zhang on Apr 15, 2010 4:32 AM
2010 Apr 15 7:09 AM
Hi Xavier,
Please see the answer for this in your previous thread as follows:
We can Activate / Deactivate the different standard stauts of Students in the below configuration.
Student Lifecycle Management -> Master Data in Student Lifecycle Management -> Students -> Status Display -> Adjust Status Display to Individual Requirements
Activate the status, which you want to display, by default most of the status are deactivated.
You can cross check this configuration in both system, and then you can find out why you are not able to see the student status in other system
Hope it will solve your problem.
2010 Apr 15 7:56 AM
Hi Xavier,
A quick tip from my side. Try using the check box for 'Period' by providing the date range.
It may be possible that you are checking the status from current date and all the status may be recorded in different start date and end date.
Best Regards,
2010 Apr 15 8:49 AM
Hi Xavier,
Did you already take a look at the note below:
Note 1128568 - customization entries missing for system statuses
Please apply this note. And re-check.
Beside this you could also compare the values in your systems from table T779W and T779X.
The status creation is triggered in the background via function modules entered intable T779W. Do you still have the standrad entries there?
Are there any customer function modules entered in table T779X for the same object type, infotype, actions for which there are standard entries in t779W? These would then overwrite the standard.
If these hint do not help, please raise an OSS and one of the colleagues will have a look.