2008 Aug 29 8:30 AM
How to split the debit memo due date (Cr. student recievable)?
I have to pay student back like a installment plan (out going payment).
I tried installment plan but it is't work for a credit side.
2008 Aug 29 10:48 AM
Where do you create the documents?
I assume that somehow you want to split the header of the documents into separet lines with different due dates and amounts?
You could try and use FPE1, but here you have to manualy do this for each post.
What you could try is when you initialy create the documents to have a due date scedule in IMG: Campus Management -> Student Accounting -> Fees -> Posting -> Due Date Schedule
Reminder: you also have to use transaction PIQCAM for this.
Good luck!
2008 Aug 29 10:48 AM
Where do you create the documents?
I assume that somehow you want to split the header of the documents into separet lines with different due dates and amounts?
You could try and use FPE1, but here you have to manualy do this for each post.
What you could try is when you initialy create the documents to have a due date scedule in IMG: Campus Management -> Student Accounting -> Fees -> Posting -> Due Date Schedule
Reminder: you also have to use transaction PIQCAM for this.
Good luck!
2008 Aug 29 11:04 AM
Thanks for your answer.
(1) To use FPE1, I understand but it has to do 2 documents for this solution.
Old doc.
Dr. Revenue 500
Cr. student A/R 500
1st Create new doc
Dr. student A/R 500
Cr. student A/R due 1 250
student A/R due 2 250
2nd Manual clearing (old doc vs new doc).
Dr. studen A/R 500
Cr student A/R 500
(2) To use due date schedule
We use this one in fee calculation, It can be debit side or credit side. I don't know it depend on booked-cancelled module.
In the debit side we need to invoice student just one due.
So, I can't use this solution.
2008 Aug 29 2:59 PM
For solution 1 i don't understand why you do that second booking.
If you link your Dr. student A/R 500 to the old document you shouldn't have to do the second booking. But that still doesn't solve your problem, because i quess you rather want to do this automaticly when you create the booking?
I can't think of a solution within the standard SAP package. Especialy because you can't use the due date schedule.
As far as i know you have to build a check that when the document is credit you have different due-dates. Or kopie and change the program FPR1 so it also creates these documents for credit memo's. I can't think of a reason why that shouldn't be allowed.
Good luck
Lukas Molenaar
2008 Sep 01 4:06 AM
Thanks for your solution.
I think, to modify FPR1 will be o.k.
2008 Sep 01 9:11 AM
There is a standard functionality which is called standing request (tc FKKORD2) where you can create documents (debit or credit) for a certain period or a few dates. There you can define the due dates as well, and the posting is via main and subtransactions (same as FPE1).
Another option is to adjust FPR1. We changed the program LFKN1F01. If you have any questions on this adjustment please don't hesitate.
Good luck.
kind regards,
Steve de Klonia
2008 Sep 02 5:25 AM
I just found that we can split document manually by use T-code
FPE2M (mass change)
May be it will be usefulness for you.
Grongtong C.
2008 Sep 02 12:01 PM
Yes that will work as wel, but then you have to adjust the amounts and due dates manually.
good luck.
Kind regards,
Steve de Klonia