2008 Dec 04 11:51 AM
Hello guys,
I'd like to aks U what should I do if I want to pay a grant to a student let say - 100 EUR monthly during academic year?
(We assign grant 1000 EUR in Student Master Data and want pay like that: 10.2009 - 100 EUR, 11.2009 - 100 EUR, 12.2009 - 100 EUR....)
What I have done is:
1. Sponsor (and account) master data
2. Grant Management in IMG for SLcM -- internal eval.
Hope I can help me
2008 Dec 05 10:50 AM
Hi Dawid,
In my opinion there is no user friendly standard functionality to pay the grant in months. We realised for our client an negative installment plan.
SAP can generate installment plan normally only for debet entries, but we managed to create an installment plan alsof for credit entries.
With this functionality you can split your 1000 EUR into e.g. 10 installments, each 100 EUR. Every installment has its own due date.
Another way is to disburse the grant every month. So a fixed percentage every month or a fixed amount every month.
Or use transaction FPE2m. With this transaction you can split up documents, but it's working is a little bit technical and not user friendly.
Good luck.
Kind regards,
Steve de Klonia
Edited by: P. MUSL on Dec 5, 2008 12:06 PM
2009 Jan 09 11:30 AM