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How to claculate module credit with 0.5 credit??

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

Please help me to understand the below issue.

There is an introduction of a 2 new course in the curriculum of academic year 2014-15.

Previously all the courses were with 1 credit point.

But these two new course are with 0.5 credit point.

The requirement is while calculating GPA/CGPA of the term it should taken into account and 0.5+0.5=1 credit should be considered.

Point to note here is there is a custom uploading program for uploading module, till now we are uploading module with 1 credit point.

May some thing hard coded at program level.

Please guide how to achieve the requirement.


Prashanti swain


0 Kudos


please can you be more specific, what you observe and what you expect.

From what I understand you want to calculate GPA weighted by credits from completed modules.

Which performance index do you use (index calculation filter value)?

Did you check, whether the two new modules have the correct credits (0.5) assigned to them and that the student earned these credits (0.5)?


0 Kudos

Hi Dirk,

Thanks for your reply.

Currently there is 1 credit point for each module.

But from this academic year i.e, 2014-15, two new module are introduced which carry 0.5 credit each, but while doing calculation for GPA for those two module it should be treated as 0.5+05=1 and in the similar manner it should appear in final transcript of the student.

I am very new to this module. I couldn't able to make out that which performance index  the business owner is using here.

In T7PIQ_SI2_CALL(Calculation point for performance indices) there are few standard entries,

In T7PIQ_SI2_PARAM(parameter for performance indices filter and conditions) I can see only standard entries

In  V_T7PIQSI2_INXCP (performance Index to calculation point assignments) there is also no entry.

Please guide  how to trace which performance index is used currently.

Thanks & Regards,

Prashanti Swain

0 Kudos

Hi Prashanti,

please check 1st if the new modules really have 0.5 credits assigned to and not 1, if you are not sure. You can do it in PIQ_ACSTRUC. Navigate to the SM and click display. You will find the credits in one of the tabs.

I initially thought you calculate the GPA/CGPA by showing the resp. Perfomance Index in the "Academic Work" screen from the student file.

But if you really have no entries in V_T7PIQSI2_INXCP this seems to be not the case.

So you have to tell us the procedure how you calculate the GPA/CGPA. Do you use a customer report for this or the degree audit or a form (you mentioned a transcript)?
