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How can I define the possible entries for "invoicing process" at fkkinv_ma?

Former Member
0 Kudos

At the transaction code fkkinv_ma, I fill in the fields "Date ID" and "Identification" but I have a problem with the field of "Invoicing Process". When I psh theF4 button, there comes no search help. What should I do? Should I define the possible entries first? If I should, how can I define the possible entries for "invoicing process"? How is the customization done?

Thanks in advance for the answers.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


Please check the following Student Accounting documents in our BPX:

[original link is broken]

This will provide you the necessary (basic) information about Student Accounting/FICA.

Hope this helps


Former Member
0 Kudos

We have two invoice processes defined as Invoice Types -- 01 with out classes and 02 with classes -- we define in the IMG - Invoice type node the forms that are assigned to each of the types. The Invoice process points to the form which you are going to execute.

Former Member
0 Kudos

You have to define them in the IMG

Financial Accounting (new)

Contract Account Recievable and Payable

Business Transactions


Invoice Types

You have to set up a number range, decide what type of Financial transactions should not be invoiced -- like Dunning Charges

then you have to have a developer create the form and form class of invoice.