2011 Aug 03 9:36 PM
is there any table or F.M. to get the Study ID from the Event Package ID ?
thanks in advance
2011 Aug 04 1:42 PM
Juan Pablo, you are interested in getting the Studies object ID (CS object) of a student from an Event Package ID?
Please confirm this. If that is what you need, it is not possible.
The event package is related to a module (SM object) and to one or more Business Events (E object). There is not a a direct relation to CS object.
In case you also have an Student ID and an event package ID in which the student is registered to, you can indirectly derive the CS object of the student developing some FM for yourself.
2011 Aug 04 1:42 PM
Juan Pablo, you are interested in getting the Studies object ID (CS object) of a student from an Event Package ID?
Please confirm this. If that is what you need, it is not possible.
The event package is related to a module (SM object) and to one or more Business Events (E object). There is not a a direct relation to CS object.
In case you also have an Student ID and an event package ID in which the student is registered to, you can indirectly derive the CS object of the student developing some FM for yourself.
2011 Aug 04 4:57 PM
Hi Diego,
thanks for the answer.
I have the Event Package ID and the Student ID, from this i need to derive the Studies Object or the Program asociated.
Hoy would this F.M. be to do that ?
thanks a lot