2011 Nov 25 8:07 AM
Dear All,
1.Client requirement for exam fee like below.
Examination Fee based on the Program of Study. This fee will collected from the students "before 2months of the exams".
2. Requirement :-
We have 'Scholarship from Government to the student' concept requirement like below:-
The lower income Students admitted without paying the Fee.
Student individually will apply to government for the fee.
Government will release the scholarship for Tuition fee amount to the college account directly.
Till the payment from Government student will be in financial hold.
Remaining other fees like Miscellaneous fee student has to pay to the college.
Could you please guide how configure the above to fulfill the client requirements.
Thanks & Regards
2011 Dec 02 7:57 PM
For Fee
You can attach a Fee at the Program of Study level. In Configuration at Student LifeCycle Management / Master Data in Student Lifecycle Management / Academic Structure/ Program of Study / Fee Calculation Data - Define Program of Study Fee Categories -- create your 4 character code and description.
In GUI - In PP01 go to SC- Program of Study for the Program you want the fee applied to. Then under Fee Calcuation Data - enter the four character code You can use the other fields if needed to narrow your selection -- enter your Due Date Schedule you use. Under Fee Distribution you can enter the Business Area/ Cost Center / and the percentage to be applied ( It is here you can split the revenue between Bus Areas and Cost Centers)
then in Configuration - Student LifeCycle Management / Student Accounting / Fee/ Pricing/Pricing Procedures. Table 901 may work for you You need to have a table that looks at the Program of Study - Program of study fee category.
then go down the tree creating the Access Sequence etc to condition records.
this will put the fee on the students account
For the Government payment -- create a Sponsor for the Government. place a charge and a credit on the sponsors account when the money come in. Then post the payment on the students account as either an internal or external managed grant. You will have to configure a Grant and Grant id - in config -- Financial Accounting (new) / Contract Accounts Recievable and Payables / Basic Functions / Documents /. Maintain Documents / Document types / create Main and Sub Then under Maintian Transactions you will need to add Gl and cost center in Maintain Sub_transaction .. You will also need to have an ST and SP entry lower in the tree -- under Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings 1) define CO Account Assignment Keys ( to setup the cost centers) then 2) / Automatic D/L Account determination / Define Accounts Receivables / Payables --
company ACT Determ, Main Trans, Sub Trans, G/L Account
NK01 - SP 9500 6230 0000111200
NK01 - ST * * 0000111200
Then under Student LifeCycle Management/ Student Accounting / Grants / Basis settings -- set up the Grant here.