2007 Aug 23 9:36 AM
Hi All,
I have created an event for module,
Now I want to assign my location, building and rooms related to it, I am able to create master data for location and its shown in dropdown while creating event. But how will I configure the building and rooms aoociated to this location in the drop down??
The asme problem I am facing while I go for schedule of examination...
Please guode me..
2007 Aug 23 11:17 AM
Hi Sudhir,
<b>G - Resource
F - Location
R - Resource Type .</b>
1) Link G with F and R . Eg : LectureHall(G) -
> University(F) + Acad.Center(R) .
2) In addition , link the business event type with R and if required maintain the person related to the resource type .
This will bring the location , resource while creating events .
2007 Aug 23 11:17 AM
Hi Sudhir,
<b>G - Resource
F - Location
R - Resource Type .</b>
1) Link G with F and R . Eg : LectureHall(G) -
> University(F) + Acad.Center(R) .
2) In addition , link the business event type with R and if required maintain the person related to the resource type .
This will bring the location , resource while creating events .
2007 Aug 23 12:26 PM
2007 Aug 23 1:15 PM
Hi Sudhir,
Use PP01 tcode and not the IMG .F , G , R are objects .
Gajalakshmi .
2007 Aug 23 1:49 PM
To create a Room as a Resource of a particular Resource Type, it is perhaps a little simpler to do via transaction 'OORA', rather than directly in 'PP01'. The user interface is much easier to navigate there. Of course, make sure you have first created your 'Resource Types' (i.e. room types) using transaction 'PO12'.
2007 Aug 23 2:17 PM
Hi ,
Michael is right in creating objects and but this is for linking the objects such as resource,location etc.
Is there any other way in linking other than PP01 , this would be of great help .
2007 Aug 23 3:30 PM
Thanks Michael,
I am able to locate the room in event creation, But how I locate the instructor??..I was trying to fetch the instructor but system is saying that please selct instructor type (object type) but in the field of instructor type there is no value...how to define the instructor type and related instructor.
2007 Aug 23 4:10 PM
When you create a Room as a Resource using transaction 'OORA', you are able to directly create the relationships for 'Belongs to' (Location) and 'Is a Specialization of' (Resource Type). You do not need to go to PP01 to create the relationships.
Also, to create instructors, first go to transaction 'PO12' and create a Resource Type called 'Instructor'. Here, you can indicate in the 'Availability Indicators' Infotype, under the tab 'Instructors', that you want objects of type 'P'. Then, when you are in event planning, you can search through all 'P' objects when you assign instructors.
2007 Aug 23 6:46 PM
Hi Michael,
Thanks, I did accordingly, as u suggested, but I am getting error..
In the Field of "Object of object type" I put "Person" and in the next field "is held by" I put
Business Event Type (or *, I tried both), But I am getting error that <b>Either objects of one type or objects via relationship</b>
<b>Message no. 5A422</b>...
what is the problem??..please solve this issue..
2007 Aug 23 7:16 PM
As the error message states, you must choose one or the other. Meaning... if you use the Field 'Object of Object Type' and assign 'Person', then you should leave the other fields BLANK. This will then return all Person records in the event planning user interface.
The other field is used if you want to assign specific possible instructors to each business event type instead. If you do this, then you need to create the 'is held by' relationship between each instructor and the business event type before you can assign this instructor to the actual event.