2007 Oct 22 4:49 PM
At Freie Universität Berlin we started implementing SLCM degree audit for the graduation processes of our study programs and face now the challenge to educate our administrators in usage of the tools to define the appropriate requirement catalogs. We are using Version 6.0 of CM.
Since degree audit is a complex process to be customized and enhanced by BADI implementations and objects (rule containers containing requirements) we asked SAP for documentation usable for training administrators with erperienced SAP-CM-knowlegde in other areas.
It seems that such a documentation does not exist yet, neither in help.sap.com nor in the SND-marketplace, so we are now to ask the highered-BPX-Forum.
We search for general documentation and how-to-Documents (cookbooks) about:
- setting up requirement patterns, requirement catalogs (and versions of them), selectors, filters, figures and performance indices to model the requirements of a given program and anchoring them to the academic structure;
- If there exists a graphic of a "database scheme" which illustrates the dependencies of the objects used in degree audit this would also be helpful.
Can anyone point us to such documentation?
We would also like to be pointed to/share knowledge about:
- best practices in the pragmatics how to compile study regulations into requirement catalogs using the given objects, BADIs and SPRO yielding both: accuracy and maintainability;
- How-tos about enabling enterprise services assignable to business roles or automatic procedures and composable to an example process including
- the assignment of requirement catalogs to student's study;
- the creation of requirement profiles for candidates;
- starting and saving audit runs;
- propagating their results to internal qualifications;
- completing degree.
Dirk Pape
Dr. Dirk Pape (eAS - Projektleitung Campus Management)
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Grunewaldstr. 34a, 12165 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 838 75143, Fax. +49 (0)30 838 54654
2007 Oct 29 7:25 AM
Thanks Michael,
I will wait for the documentation and followup with some feedback if I have read it.
2007 Oct 22 5:08 PM
We are actually in the process of creating a Degree Audit Cookbook which should be ready in the next few weeks.
2007 Oct 29 7:25 AM
Thanks Michael,
I will wait for the documentation and followup with some feedback if I have read it.
2007 Dec 21 4:12 PM
The Degree Audit cookbook (called the 'SLCM Audit Handbook') is now available as a sticky post in the forum.
2007 Dec 21 5:05 PM
As of this writing, I was only able to successfully retrieve the files with IE. Firefox 2 is being given empty files.
P.S. Thanks for making this available. And, thanks to Volker for his work on it.