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Define the start and end dates of an assigned academic period in fee calc.

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Define the start and end dates of an assigned academic period

Message no. HRPIQ00ACCOUNTING132


The academic calendar assigned to the top organizational unit does not contain a start or end date for the academic period (academic year and session) assigned to fee calculation period Z000.

System Response

The system will skip fee calculation period Z000 and continue processing with the next fee calculation period.


1. Check which academic calendar is assigned to the top organizational unit.

2. Check which academic period is assigned to fee calculation period Z000. You check this setting in Customizing for Campus Management in the IMG activity Assign Academic Years and Sessions to Fee Calculation Periods.

3. In this academic calendar, create the start and end dates of the relevant academic period using standard time limit 0100 (standard duration of academic period) or a corresponding user-defined time limit.

For more information, see

Define Top Organizational Unit

Define Mandatory Time Limits for Academic Calendar

please give me the needful information to solve this problem.


Arun Rai


Former Member
0 Kudos

Have you setup PP01 at the top organizational unit? In PP01 you define under the object the start and end date?

Bev Beck

Former Member
0 Kudos


Have you looked in the Student Accounting Cookbook on page 13?

Page 1-18 will help you setup the Oranizational unit, the academic calendar and the modules.

Bev beck

Former Member
0 Kudos

ty to all the pros for replying