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Creating Business Event Type

Former Member
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Hello Everyone,

After creating a business event type (in the program catalog) with right-clicking the module and choosing "create one level lower", choosing relation A 507 - consists of > business event type; the business event type can be seen in the program catalog under the module. But when we are creating a business event type by right clicking the module and choosing "edit event offerings" menu, the created business event type cannot be seen under the related module in the program catalog. In both two situations, both business event types seemed quite same working. Does this situation affect anything for the modules or business event types?

I have also another question: As known, business event types are created with a relation to a module. When we create business events from one business event type and want to display event offerings of a module, all the events created from that business event type are shown although some do not belong to the selected module. Do we have to always create seperate business event types for each module to prevent this? (Which means we are going to have as many business event types as modules even more)

King Regards,


PS: I realized that the reason for the first part of my question was key date. Answers for second question are still welcome.

Edited by: keremodev on Jan 29, 2010 1:46 PM


Former Member
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Any comments for the business event type - business event relation?

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Dear Kerem,

In SLCM module is like a subject which can have many chapters or topics to covered in that particular module. So it might be possible that at the end you might have many Business event types then number of modules. It is also possible to create many business event packages from one event type. Its good to have different business events for each module.

Also, you can hide business event packages by de-selecting the radio button on Session of offering screen(In Create business event package screen).

Hope it will clear your doubts.


Vinod Kumar

0 Kudos

Dear Vinod,

Thank you but I think I couldn't make my problem clear enough.

Let's imagine that we have two different modules (A and B). We create a business event type for module A and create business events. Let us assume that module A and B are very similar in a structural way. So we decide to use same business event type (created for module A) for module B. We simply create a relationship (consists of) with the same business event type and module B. Later we create business event for module B.

Our problem starts here: When we want to display business events for module A, all created business events from that business event type are shown even some of them are created for module B. (We can handle this by viewing settings of the following screen, but it is not the solution we want. It is just a change of view.)

We face similar situation in the module booking. When we want to book a student to an event.. Let us assume that we are trying to book a student for an event of module A. When we are choosing module A in the booking screen, business events created for module B are also shown.

Finally, We know that we can use a business event type with as many modules we want. But then we are facing the situation I mentioned above. What is the main idea behind creating seperate business event types for every module? What is its advantage-using same business event type- instead of creating new ones for each module? or What is the advantage of creating always new business event types for each module?



Edited by: keremodev on Feb 4, 2010 12:07 PM

Active Participant
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Hi Keremodev.

As you know, Business Event types are like "templates" that you will use to create the different Business Events at the "Event Planning" process. In the Business Event type, for example, you define the Name that will be populated to the Business Event when you are creating it; you also define an standard capacity that will be defaulted to the Business Event, and you have another possibilities of defaulting information to Business Events.

In spite that from the technical side you can create one Event Type and assign it to many modules, I think it is a good practice to create at least one Event Type for each module you have. Beside that you won't have the problem you mention in your post regarding the mixing of Business Events when viewing or booking a module, you will have the advantage of not manually changing the names of the Business Events every time you create them, as long with the capacity, if it's different.

Don't forget that the Business Event Type is defined only when you create a module. I know that many universities might be very demanding for new modules every time, but we are tolking of the more static part of the Academic Structure, so the effort of creating one B. Event Type per module shouldn't be so hard.

I hope this can help you.


0 Kudos

Dear Keremdev,

Diego is right that it is a good practice to create at least one Event Type for each module you have. Actually Business event types are elements of a module which serve as templates. The system uses the business event type data as default values when you create or plan business events or academic units w/o dates. When you have assigned a business event type to a module, you can create and maintain a business event offering for the module.

By creating a relationship between two modules and one business event type, you are actually sharing the business event type. Thats why in booking screen it is showing all business event types related to that module.

Hope it clears your doubts.


Vinod Kumar