2015 Feb 28 8:03 AM
I am facing error CMAC_FEE_CALC327 Cannot derive funds center during posting student Fees.
I want to post Student fees to it's Assigned Org.Unit which is my Profit Center. I have maintained relationship in infotype HRT1018 but it is not deriving profit center from it. Also I have maintained infotype HRT1759 for Cost Center.
Please let me know how can I derive profit center in this posting. I have tried for table entry in FMDERIVE for table HRP1018 but there is an error of assign source fields. Source fields mentioned there are not relevant.
How Can I setup FMDERIVE for getting funds Center in Fee Posting.
2015 Aug 30 11:06 AM
Dear Sandeep,
Hope you have resolved this issue. could please share the same now.
2016 May 25 9:28 AM
Go to T Code FMDERIVE, select your derive name then activate the trace given above.
Now go to your normal transaction of posting student fee PIQST00 and do either Fee Calculation or Payment at Cash Desk, this will open the screen and it will show you several field, this will help you analyse if your profit center, cost center and fund center is getting hit or not. If it is not getting hit maintain the same in FMDERIVER like Cost Center = Fund Center.