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Changes to VSR and buffer issues

Former Member
0 Kudos

I would really like to hear other peoples experiences or advice on how new rules/validations should be created, changed, and tested.

We are still adding validations for prerequisites on courses, but we are having trouble testing these changes. There are times when a change seems to take effect immediately after save, other times we use the RGUGBR00 program to regen everything (we run will all settings checked), sometimes I've had to logout of my session completely and come back in. We can't really find a good pattern when these should take effect and its very frustrating.

Does anyone have a good process in place for making changes, testing, and moving them forward?

Also, I've read in a note 1099766 about performance enhancements and the buffer settings. They say if changes are being made that we shouldn't be using the buffer settings.

Currently, we do activate the USE_BUF and USE_SHBUF settings in the IMG for "VSR Performance Checks". Should we turn these off in the test/development boxes?

In the "Availability Check for Module Bookings" overview...we currently use a value of zero for the VALID_TIME setting on Buffer Validity Period in Seconds. I can't find what this really means to us, and I'm not sure why we set it at that value.

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Michael.

I can chat with you in this tips. Let me know if you change the validation elements you regenerate (code RGUGBR00). Now, the new result is unsuccessful because the change is very very slow. How many time do you spend in refresh your new good result?.

The note 1099766 was created for me. Can you explain me how do you test each change, for about debug for "trace on"?.

Best regards.

Luis A. Tafur.

0 Kudos

Hello Luis,

Sorry I'm getting back to this post so late. I wanted some time to play with the system more to see what I can determine.

What we've been doing that seems to be working is this.

1. If we make a change only to a validation and save it, we can then test a student's booking by going back to the main sap menu and then back into the student file and booking. This appears to show the system regenerating the changes when we do the next booking. We do find we need to go back to the main menu first or the validation changes won't work for that test.

2. We "suspect" but can't verify that maybe we need to do a re-gen with the RGUGBR00 program when we make changes to rules and substitutions that may be used in many validations. Also, when we move changes from one system to another with a transport...we also run that program. Our BASIS people also tell us to run the program to re-gen on each application server in our PRD environment when we move new rules in.

We are not sure why we would need to do it, but we are performing this task to be on the safe side.