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Change of Program Log / History for a Student

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Scenario: If a student 500007 has a program EE. Now when a Cange of Program process is done for this student from EE to ME,under the Activity documents tab we can see the log ( someting like date, time , Activity Desc ... like that )

but how to capture that that student has done the change of program from EE to ME.

Say Ex: if the same student has 2 prgms say EE & ME.

Now COP is done 2 times. EE to CS & ME to CIV.

Then how to capture the log, some thing like Student has changed from EE to CS & ME to CIV.

I got a table HRPAD506 where in the Activity types and dates can be tracked ( based on the ADATANR mapping to the HRP1001). But could not frame the above mentioned log.


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You can see these information in Extended maintenance mode of student file(PIQST10) in registration tab.

Prabhat Singh

Former Member
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Could not get any more answers. I debugged the standard txn and found how the activity docs are getting fetched and wrote custom FM accordingly.

Thanks for the responses.