2013 Mar 21 2:04 PM
sorry if this is a duplicate...it didn't seem to work the first time.
have a new program that we need to run in the background that will book
students into courses. For all of our booking activity we use the SAP
function module HRIQ_STUDENT_BOOKING. This works great for dialog
processing but it seems that when it runs in the background it is booking the
students even when there were errors returned from the call-up points. Am
I calling the RFC incorrectly? The table RETURN is coming back with the correct
error messages, but it is still booking the student. Here are the
parameters I am using:
iv_vtask = 'D'
iv_plvar = '01'
iv_otype = 'ST'
iv_objid = objid
is_mrcontext = context
iv_mode = 'V'
iv_dialog = 'B'
return_code = lv_subrc
it_moduletab = p_itab
it_cptab = p_cptab
et_return = return.
2013 Apr 02 2:04 PM
Seems like it is override issue. User has override that's the reason system is allowing it. You can ask developer to look into conversion program that will guide developer how to use this FM except don't disable the call-up points.
Best Regards,
Prabhat Singh