2008 Jan 03 12:44 PM
Could anybody help me to understand how do we capture attendance & absences of the students in CM? ie. if it is 20 weeks programme and student remain absent for 2 weeks, where and how we will capture his day to day attendance to classes.
Thanks & regards
2008 Jan 03 3:26 PM
Right now, you would probably need to use an Appraisal Element to capture some kind of attendance rating/value. This could then be included in the overall grade calculation for the course. (Day to day tracking would have to be done in a separate user interface.) However, we recognize that it would be better to have a formalized approach towards attendance tracking, and we plan to address that issue in an upcoming release (although I cannot share any official details about that at this point in time).
2008 Jan 04 6:04 AM
Hi Devendra,
There is no provision in the present SLCM (not CM) solution to capture attendance of students in the form you have stated ie. daily attendance of studets on a module over a period of time.Michael stated that in a future enhancement this feature may be included.However,if there is a business requiremnt right away which cannot wait till the Release,then a workaround would be to make a custom development.
2008 Jan 09 7:59 AM
Hi Devendra,
Daily attendance and absences could not be captured but as you stated if the leave continues for 2 weeks and more , do a leave of absence for the student . So the status will be non-attending and logically the student cant attend any classes at that time .