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assessment process - completion audit run

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello all,

I am trying to mass update assessment system statuses to succesfully or unsuccesfully completed depending on the grade, using the transaction PIQCMPRSTATCMPL - Change Process Status (Completion). The message I get is: No audit runs exist for assessment process Student/Assessment/001. I have executed the audit run before (PIQAUD_MP_CS - Audit (Process-Independent) ) for these students, for audit type 3000 Module Completion Requirement Profile Type: OFFI and Execution Mode: OFFI.

I have read about this functionality in the IHE102 document (Assessments, Examination and Grading).

Is there a problem with the customizing of the audits? Which are the appropriate audit settings?

Installation is EHP7

Release 617, SP Level 0002

Thank you in advance for your help

John Babos


0 Kudos

Hi John,

you should do process dependent audit runs, if you want the results connected to a process to later update the process status.

Did you try to use PIQAUD_MP_CP instead of PIQAUD_MP_CS?


View solution in original post


0 Kudos

Hi John,

you should do process dependent audit runs, if you want the results connected to a process to later update the process status.

Did you try to use PIQAUD_MP_CP instead of PIQAUD_MP_CS?


0 Kudos

Thank you Dirk for your prompt answer.

I have tried process dependent audit run but I get the following message:

No program found for assessment ....

I am using the standard evaluation path in the selection variant (of Selection Method) PIQ_OCE.

Thank you


0 Kudos

Hi John,

I now read your 1st message more carefully. You should review the documents you have about grading and assessment.

Let me give you a few points, if you want to link audit to assessment process.

  1. You need to set up audit profiles for a specific audit type. Maybe you want to do graduation audit. Then 3000 is the wrong audit type. You need 1000 instead. I doubt, that you prepared a profile for audit type 3000.
  2. You need a CE which also has this audit type set up in infotype assessment category. In case of degree audit type (1000) this CE should be attached to an SC.
  3. Students must have audit catalogs attached to their CS in student file.
  4. You have to open assessment processes for the students you want to perform audit runs either in PIQGRAD (for degree audit only) or PIQEVALREGM.
  5. There are several other prerequisites in customizing and master data, so you should go through your manual again.

Hope you find your issues.


0 Kudos

Thank you very much for your time.

Maybe I wasn't so clear.

I am trying to create an audit for an assessment with a direct relationship to a module (not a program of study). I think this is the problem.

I am doing this, because I want, after grading, to close all the assessment depending on the grades (pass or fail for complete succesfully or unsuccesfully). I read that this is possible with transaction PIQCMPRSTATCMPL - Change Process Status (Completion), but it needs an audit.

What is your opinion? Can I have an audit for an assessment of a module and not for a program of study?

thank you again for your time



0 Kudos

Hi John,

I understand. I do not recommend using an audit for this.

There exists a standard BAdI-Implementation HRPIQ00MODEXAM which does what you want "on the fly" when actvated: Always and instantly when an appraisal is completed or a module booking is cancelled it adjusts the status of the assessment process to an adequate value.

You can activate this example BAdI implementation in SE19. You can also make a copy of it and modify it, because it does not handle the case so well, if thee are more than one cancelled assessment processes. Also check if note 1848971 is implemented in your system. It fixes an issue, when using this process and switching from PIQEVALREGM to appraisal dialog and back.

In your case the BAdI will do the job you want, but only for future appraisals not for those that are already completed. AFAIK there is no standard report doing this, but you can write one of your own using he function module which is also used in the BAdI.


0 Kudos

Dirk thank you very much for your help. I will proceed with the BAdI solution. I thought I could avoid it, but ok.

I will get back to you for the results.

thank you very much for your time
