2010 Nov 29 5:21 PM
Hi experts,
I year ago I have created a WD4A application for the appraisal, like the TX PIQSFMU. I debug the TX so i did the same thing in my WD4A app.
I use the HRIQ_AGR_RFC_APPRMODUL_GETDATA to get the grades. The second step is to calcuate the value for grade symbol HRIQ_SCALE_CALC_NORMVALUE, and finishing later with creating the grades HRIQ_APPR_CREATE so they can save the grades.
The issue is that this is creating inconsistencies in tables PIQDBAR_GEN, PIQDBAGR_APPR, and PIQDBAGR_ASSIGNM. Not for all the SE. I only in some cases.
Let me explain again, for MODREG_ID = 648B484CEB058442E10000000A01190D i have found 3 AGRID, and it should be unique.
I did the same thing that PIQSMFU did, but i don't know why i'm having this inconsistencies using all standard FM. And also it just for some student's not for all of them.
Any ideas?
Kind Regards,
César Felce
2010 Nov 29 6:34 PM
First thing You are not supposed to "HRIQ_APPR_CREATE' Function module. Use function module "HRIQ_AGR_RFC_APPR_CREATE" . Second thing Look for your Commit statement.
Prabhat Singh
2010 Nov 29 6:34 PM
First thing You are not supposed to "HRIQ_APPR_CREATE' Function module. Use function module "HRIQ_AGR_RFC_APPR_CREATE" . Second thing Look for your Commit statement.
Prabhat Singh
2010 Nov 29 6:57 PM
Hi Prabhat,
thanks for the quick answer, ok i will try use the new FM, but what can i do know with the data. What to delete on the 3 tables PIQDBAR_GEN, PIQDBAGR_APPR, and PIQDBAGR_ASSIGN?
any ideas?
Kind Regards,
2010 Nov 29 7:23 PM
Here is the OSS Note 1135869 - CM_AGR: Appraisal Creation RFC.You can refer to this OSS note for your Web-dynpro application design. Regarding appraisal records you need to figure it out using activity document which one is latest one.
Prabhat Singh
2010 Nov 30 6:20 PM
Hi Prabhat,
Thanks for the oss note, we have created a REPORT to eliminate all duplicated entries on tables piqdbagr_appee, piqdbagr_text, piqdbagr_appser, piqdbagr_element, piqdbagr_appr, piqdbagr_foll_up, piqdbagr_gen, piqdbagr_assignm, and then we delete the academic work HRIQ_AW_ACWORK_DELETE.
Later we created the booking again for student. This solved the issue, but i don't know why you say that is better using this FM HRIQ_AGR_RFC_APPR_CREATE, instead HRIQ_APPR_CREATE.
I debug tx piqsmfu again, and they use HRIQ_APPR_CREATE, then debugging this one they doesn't use global variables, and my frustration, is that it doesn't happen to all students or a SE, for 100 SE object it happens to 2.
2010 Nov 30 6:45 PM
That was a very long route and you lost logs as well but anyway.... The reason I recommend that function module is SAP recommends to use that RFC. If you don't use RFC functional module you can't file an OSS message. They will say it's your custom application. Now you can say it's RFC causing data inconsistency if it happens to you again.
Prabhat Singh
2010 Dec 03 9:46 PM
I have made the changes so i can use the RFC, the issue know is that in the work area of type piqagr_appraisal_buffer, i'm changing the smstatus and the smstatus text depending in the calculated value, but when i call the HRIQ_AGR_RFC_APPR_CREATE it doesn't change the smstatus on the academic work.
This function doesn't do the same thing as HRIQ_APPR_CREATE.
I am missing something? should i have to call another RFC so i can change the SM status on academic work?
2010 Dec 03 10:09 PM
Did you implement BAdi "HRPIQ00_GRADING"?
Prabhat Singh
2010 Dec 03 10:17 PM
Nop, is not implmented.
Thanks, for your quick reply.
2010 Dec 03 10:29 PM
The only BADI implemented is HRPIQ00_GRADEFUP,
kind regards,
2010 Dec 03 11:01 PM
I have debug the HRIQ_AGR_RFC_APPR_CREATE doesn't retrieve the parameter I_PAD506 and this function module doesn't do anything with the booking, besides the HRIQ_APPR_CREATE, that has an UPDATE_BOOKING method in SAPLHRPIQ00GRADINGIFASSIGNM.
any ideas how to change the smstatus?
kind regards,
2010 Dec 03 11:28 PM
Use "HRIQ_AGR_RFC_APPRMODUL_CREATE" function module and implement badi to change Module booking status.
Prabhat Singh
2010 Dec 06 9:03 PM
Hi Prabhat,
No need to activate the BADI, it work nicely just with the last RFC.