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Summer vacation is over (at least for me) and before returning to day-to-day business I reflected a bit on recent achievements in Healthcare Mobility. As the solution owner for SAP EMR Unwired I frequently have meetings with prospects, partners and customers. We discuss and share opinions on the value of mobility for healthcare professionals and patients, the best implementation strategies, but also the challenges for early adopters of technology.

Discover & Experience

What I always found is that the best way to enter into the topic is to give everybody the opportunity to actually play around with the app. With the latest addition, SAP EMR Unwired – Windows 8 we now support all major platforms and all form factors with native clients. Everybody can download (Android, iOS, WIN8) and play around with the built-in demo data. A good impression of SAP EMR Unwired in practice can be obtained by watching our customer’s testimonials. We do have videos from Charité, Berlin , Kardinal Schwarzenberg’sches Krankenhaus in Austria, and University Hospital Basel, Switzerland. More are still to come, so make sure to bookmark our YouTube channel Mobile Healthcare Videos. For those of you who prefer physical meetings please have a look at the agenda of upcoming events like the annual SAP User Group meeting in Nürnberg, or the SAP Forum Public Services in Mainz. At both events my fellow colleagues, customers and partners will give presentations on Mobility in Healthcare.

Evaluate & Try Out Yourself

Once people have experienced the mobile client we usually enter into a discussions about the underlying technology. I believe it is important to talk about business requirements for enterprise-grade mobile medical apps (as opposed to consumer-grade apps) – think security, extensibility, configurability, performance, usability, openness, flexibility, connectivity etc. Of course, analysts like IDC or Gartner regularly confirm SAP’s leading position with it’s SAP Mobile Platform, but especially for ISV’s and net new partners it is important to get an own idea of the technology. This is why we offer a free public trial of the SAP Mobile Server for Healthcare. With very little efforts you can download a VM file and configure SAP EMR Unwired against your specific source system, add your first extension, or simply test out some of our configuration capabilities.  

Decide & Go

During the trial, we also offer Q&A sessions on request to clarify open issues. Besides the technical criteria, the commercial aspects of a partnership with SAP are relevant. “How much does it cost to license the technology for my developers?” ,“How can I sell my solution?”, “What about the legal fine print?” and so on are the most common questions.

Well, in contrast to common perceptions about SAP, it’s fairly easy and not very costly to sign up for the SAP PartnerEdge Program for Application Development.

Just look at the detailed conditions – and you will be more than surprised to see how easy it is to develop or integrate your solutions with SAP.

And don’t miss the great free learning opportunities on - course on Mobile Solution Development starting in September.

Despite the fact that all these offerings are fairly new, we are very happy that dozens of partners (many of them net new names for SAP) have signed up already and start their own development of SAP EMR Unwired extensions, or new packaged healthcare applications. Especially in the second case, the other great technologies like SAP HANA Cloud platform are often combined to create real cool innovations. And to foster this process, we also offer an Idea Session for mobile healthcare applications on the SAP Idea Place – again, everybody is invited, share your ideas, or vote and comment on existing ones!

Certify, Publish & Sell

After the build phase is over, it is now time to have the extension (or packaged mobile app) finalized for the market. SAP’s ICC will take a look at the solution and certify it once the meets the pre-defined criteria.

And then it’s prime time and the new solution can be published in the SAP Store. The first example that I can share is ICW FormDesigner solution that allows integrating custom-build forms with SAP EMR Unwired.

Our team is fully committed to support you, so don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

Best regards from Walldorf,
