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Everybody has been talking about "Big Data" and "Analytics" for a number of years now and most people believe that that there is benefit in "doing something " in this area. But a lot companies do not know where to start nor can they develop the first  business case in this area. After all belief isn't proof. I thought that I should point out the following webinar that may help in these areas.

A lot of chemical companies are under margin pressure and believe that some where, in the large amount of operational data that they have and are collecting, are insights to operating more efficiently and effectively.  As far a "Big Data" is concerned operational data is massive and use case for analyzing  operational data to improve production and reduce risk is clear. We have been analyzing portions of the data manually for years but have never been able to look at all the relevant information as a whole. It just took too much time and effort to do it. But with the new technology available today things have changed.

With this in mind,  Rolta has set up a webinar on Thursday December 11 2014 at 1:00 PM EDT on  how companies can close the gap between the business plan and actual operational performance by utilizing Big Data and Analytics.

Called:  Closing the Operational Gap – How to utilize Big Data/BI and Analytics to close the gap between the business plan and actual performance

This webinar will highlight the following topics:

  1. Processes to Utilize Big Data for Analyzing Production and Risk
  2. Developing a baseline for production
  3. A Methodology to Identify and classify Lost production

If you are interested in attending this webinar please use this link to register

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