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Have you listened to Business Execution Radio yet? This is a series of free podcasts going back to 2008 that can be listened to online, subscribed to, or down loaded. These podcasts cove a variety of Human resource topics from People performance (e,g, Talent Management, Goals, Feedback) to insights into the economy and the effect that the economy will have on HR. For example:

Scott Berslin (whom I have written about before) in episode 28 shares insights about how companies can maximize the value of technology enabled talent management practices.

In episode 103 Francois Ronai discusses how the advent of social learning and collaborative technology is shifting the nature of learning technology systems.

In episode 110 Joyce Maroney discusses issues related to the use of social technology , work force analytics, and employee engagement  from the perspective of the hourly work force

In episode 98 author Richard Donkin discusses trends in work force demographics, social networking, and performance management systems are tuning employees into suppliers

I will warn you that the introductory music? is loud be careful where & how  you are listening.

These pods cast run anywhere from 5 min to a maximum of 30 min.

For a complete list of what is available in the Apple iTunes Store please use the following link: Complete List

Please comment and point out your favorite episode.

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