2013 Jan 22 7:02 PM
Could someone tell me why for a global company the APO System (for finished goods)
and the SPP System (for Service Parts) should reside on two different landscapes (SCM boxes) ???
SAP suggests that because it's Best Practice how Volvo, CAT, Ford are doing it,
but I didn't find a statement in a document.
2013 Jan 25 5:45 PM
It is not a rule that SCM and SPP should be in separate system. It has been historicalls like that more for performance reasons because of the volume of data and even the processes for SCM and SPP are completely different. The third main reason is that it is generally handled by 2 different legal companies within an organization.
Hope this helps
2013 Jan 30 3:26 PM
Hi Mani,
Thanks for the input. I consolidated my reasons for 2 separate systems as follows.
APO and SPP on two separate systems because:
–Better Failover setup as requested by Parts Business
–Distribution of work / transaction load (for example: gATP check in LiveCache)
Production planning does not impact Parts planning and vice versa
–No impact when planning same Materials for Production and Parts
–APO and SPP in one system would cause minor conflicts in coexistence of SPP and DP and major ones in coexistence of SPP with SNP - according to SAP
–According to SAP: Best Practice
–Please check other constrains - SAP-Note 1469451
Take care
2013 Jan 29 5:48 PM
Hi Jo
It is possible to use one SCM box for SPP and other APO components but It is not intended to use (simultaneously) APO-SPP-DRP and APO-SNP orAPO-SPP-Deployment and APO-Deployment respectively for the same Part/ location combination. A simultaneous usage of both will lead to Inconsistent results - due to different planning logic involved. Please check other constrains SAP note :1469451
2013 Jan 30 3:28 PM
Hi A. Dhaivakumar,
Thanks for the input. I consolidated my reasons for 2 separate systems as follows.
APO and SPP on two separate systems because:
–Better Failover setup as requested by Parts Business
–Distribution of work / transaction load (for example: gATP check in LiveCache)
Production planning does not impact Parts planning and vice versa
–No impact when planning same Materials for Production and Parts
–APO and SPP in one system would cause minor conflicts in coexistence of SPP and DP and major ones in coexistence of SPP with SNP - according to SAP
–According to SAP: Best Practice
–Please check other constrains - SAP-Note 1469451
Take care