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VMS configuration manual

0 Kudos


IS there any cookbook or config manual on VMS ?

how is differ from DBM ? if all senarios are possibel by VMS then why cant VMS OVER DBM?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Kaustubh,

yes, there are some cookbooks for the configuration and extension of the VMS available. What do you want to know? Indeed, the easiest way is to start with the source, and dig also for some SAP notes (there are indeed cookbooks to find).

Your question on how VMS differs from DBM is easy. DBM is an addon on top of ECC 6.0 and makes use of the VMS. The VMS is the Vehicle Management System and this name says it all: it manages vehicles. The DBM uses the vehicle object and some actions of the VMS. DBM adds order processing functionality (to express it in a very general way).

What do you mean with "VMS over DBM"?

You may can see VMS from a component or application perspective, than VMS provides an object, the vehicle, actions to manage the sale and purchase of vehicles (these actions can call ECC 6.0 function modules to create eg. an SD sales order), a comprehensive search functionaliyt, some personalization and other nice features.

If you see VMS from a solution perspective, than this "module" is for the use by OEMs and importers to manage their vehicle supply chain.

Dealers - who repair and sell vehicles - are interested in efficient order management - what comes with the DBM order engine. The DBM makes use of the vehicle object and action concept as available in the module VMS.

For the combination of both business scenarios - retail and wholesales/vehicle import - pls. see the SAP note 941633.

Does this help?



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Active Contributor
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VMS is genrally ment for importer, and DBM is for Auto Dealers.

In DBM- VMS actions are enhanced using order engine concept to implement Sales Processes.

VMS is strong in MM(PO) related activities.

Some Comapanies which are acting as well as imported and dealer organisation, using VMS for PO activities and DBM for customer sales.

cash desk functionality also introduced in DBM


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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Kaustubh,

yes, there are some cookbooks for the configuration and extension of the VMS available. What do you want to know? Indeed, the easiest way is to start with the source, and dig also for some SAP notes (there are indeed cookbooks to find).

Your question on how VMS differs from DBM is easy. DBM is an addon on top of ECC 6.0 and makes use of the VMS. The VMS is the Vehicle Management System and this name says it all: it manages vehicles. The DBM uses the vehicle object and some actions of the VMS. DBM adds order processing functionality (to express it in a very general way).

What do you mean with "VMS over DBM"?

You may can see VMS from a component or application perspective, than VMS provides an object, the vehicle, actions to manage the sale and purchase of vehicles (these actions can call ECC 6.0 function modules to create eg. an SD sales order), a comprehensive search functionaliyt, some personalization and other nice features.

If you see VMS from a solution perspective, than this "module" is for the use by OEMs and importers to manage their vehicle supply chain.

Dealers - who repair and sell vehicles - are interested in efficient order management - what comes with the DBM order engine. The DBM makes use of the vehicle object and action concept as available in the module VMS.

For the combination of both business scenarios - retail and wholesales/vehicle import - pls. see the SAP note 941633.

Does this help?



0 Kudos


thanks Ute,

nice explaination of difference bet DBM and VMS ,but still i have few doubt on VMS ,

In the explaination you made a statement

" The DBM makes use of the vehicle object and action concept as available in the module VMS. "

I am disagree with the underlined part " Vehicle object ".

If we create a vehicle by using VELO in VMS how can i get those VEHICLES FOR SERVICE IN DBM ?

In other words,we can able to create Many vehicles in VMS , but as DBM we can only create a single vehicle in it why so ? i mean i want to have N number of vehicles in DBM , will it be possible ?

Also Limitation of DBM is it can not handle service parts damage claim management with insurance company and OEM, is there any soluation on it ?


0 Kudos

Hi Kaustubh,

"In other words,we can able to create Many vehicles in VMS , but as DBM we can only create a single vehicle in it why so ? i mean i want to have N number of vehicles in DBM , will it be possible ?"

This is caused by the architecture of DBM. The DBM order engine can handle only one vehicle per order.

"Also Limitation of DBM is it can not handle service parts damage claim management with insurance company and OEM, is there any soluation on it ?"

Via DBM order split and warranty claim creation, it is possible to send claims to insurance companies and OEMs.

Regards, Ute

0 Kudos

HI sir,

thanks a lot for parts damage claim.

Actulay my question was how it is possible to get VMS VEHICLES for order processing in DBM ?

I know DBM architecture is to support for only one vehicle at a time.


Kaustubh Deshpande

0 Kudos

Hi Kaustubh,

if the vehicle is created just only in VMS, than the missing data that are required for DBM need to be added to the vechicle. Could be done via a (custom-specific) report that is adding the DBM vehicle related data to selected vehicles....

Or, vehicle creation has to be done only via DBM. That's the standard approach.

Best, Ute

0 Kudos

Hi All,

I am new to VMS and need to know what all aspect we need to learn from technical prespective. I am from ABAP background. How is different from standard abap.

Please assist...

Thanks & Regards,


0 Kudos


with DBM700 there is standard possiblilty to enable a VMS vehicle for DBM processing:

QVMS Enable VMS vehicle for DBM usage

Best regards
